Monday, December 14, 2009

God's Transforming Grace

Recently we heard a series of sermons on God's Grace. Here are a few truths about Transforming Grace:

God's grace can transform our attitude.
*An attitude is an inward feeling that is expressed through our behavior.
People don't create our attitude, they reveal it.

When we apply God's grace to our lives, it will:

Change the way we think.
*Rubberbands and people only become effective until they are stretched.

Grace helps us choose to focus on others.
*We look beyond ourselves to the needs of others.
*We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Grace changes our quitting point.
*Often times it is easier to quit than continue. Adversity promotes endurance and patience produces character.

Chart a course for growth:
*Memorize and apply God's Word. This puts God's thoughts into our hearts to prepare us and equip us to face every situation.

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