Thursday, March 31, 2016

Humor For the Day

 Really Weird Things Said to Church Ministry Leaders...

Church leaders were asked via Twitter to share some of the more unusual comments they have received. Here are some surprising  things people tell pastors and other church leaders.

1. “We need a small group for cat lovers.”

2. “You need to change your voice.”

3. “Our expensive coffee is attracting too many hipsters.

4. “Preachers who don’t wear suits and ties aren’t saved. It’s in the Bible.”

5. “Your socks are distracting.”

6. “You shouldn’t make people leave the youth group after they graduate.”

7. “I don’t like the color of the towels in the women’s restroom.”

8. “We need to start attracting more normal people at church.”

9. “I developed cancer because you don’t preach from the KJV.”

10. “Your wife never compliments me about my hair or dress.”

11. “Not enough people signed up for the church golf tournament. You have poor leadership skills.” (I’m so sorry. I expected more since most of the deacons play golf on Sunday morning)

12. “I think you are trying to preach caffeineism.” (Probably Reformed theology with an extra kick.)

13. “If Jesus sang from the red hymnals, why can’t we?” (I think you are mistaken. He sang from blue hymnals.)

15. “I don’t like the brand of donuts in the foyer.”

16. “You didn’t wrap the hot dogs in bacon for the church picnic.”

17. “You shouldn’t drink water when you preach.”

18. “The toilet paper is on the wrong way in the ladies restroom. It’s rolled under.”

19. “Why don’t you ever preach on Tim Tebow?”

20. “You don’t have ashtrays in the fellowship hall.”

21. “Did you see me waving in the back of the worship center? You preached too long. It was time to eat!”

22. “The eggs were not scrambled enough at the senior adult breakfast.”

23. “You don’t look at our side of the worship center enough when you preach.”

24. “We are leaving the church because you have a red cross on the building. That’s the color of the devil.”

25. “Your sermon needed more calories.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Youth Easter Drama

Our youth took a trip to Trenton to see an Easter Drama "Enduring the Cross". Several of our adults volunteered to go as chaperones. In fact, on the van ride back, one of the youth remarked..."There sure are a lot of adults in here."  After counting, we discovered there were 6 adults 4 youth!  They were assured that you can never have too many chaperones!  Thank you, teens for a great night!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Family Ministries Meal

Wednesday's Family Ministries Meal will be Spaghetti, English  Peas, Salad, Garlic Bread and Dessert!  Meal begins at 5:30 PM, ministries for all ages begins at 6:30 PM.

Monday, March 28, 2016

25 Life Giving Statements Jesus Made

Easter always seems to bring around the joy of newness of life. During Easter we recall that Jesus is "The Resurrection and the Life", that He makes all things new and is the Giver of Life.

Before our Easter focus fades and our daily life drowns out the joy and celebration, here are 25 biblical statements to keep us focused on life - and what Jesus said about life.  

25 life-giving statements Jesus made:

“Take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37)

“Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’” (Matthew 9:13)

“Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” (Matthew 9:2)

“Ask and it will be given to you …” (Matthew 7:7)

“If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.” (John 8:36)

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 6:14)

“Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

“The greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)
“Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)

“I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:7)

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

“If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15)

“You give them something to eat.” (Mark 6:37)

“A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit.” (Matthew 7:18)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

“This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” (Mark 7:6)

“You will be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8)

“Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink …” (Matthew 6:25)

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do to them.” (Matthew 7:12)

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

“This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” (John 6:29)

“It is finished.” (John 19:30)

Some of these can be misunderstood if out of context, so feel free to read the context of each of them. But the fact is, these are things Jesus said. The Son of God—who is God—said them. Spoke them. Revealed truth to us. And every word He said has life-changing value.

If we really understood the magnitude of these words of Jesus and believed them—would they change the way we lived our life? The confidence we have? The assurance in which we find hope?

Which of these do you most need to apply to your life today?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Children's Easter Activity....need volunteers!

Satruday will be a big day for Antioch! Children's Easter activity is still on in spite of some rain chances. It will begin at 10:00 AM with some games and fun, devotion and will be followed by an egg hunt. We will need lots of help.with our games and lunch. If you can help, please be at the church around 9:15 AM. We will be serving hot dogs and chips for lunch, church family is encouraged to bring finger foods or desserts. Looking forward to a great celebration!

Easter Activities

This Sunday is Easter Sunday.  We have a weekend full of opportunities to celebrate our Risen Savior.

Saturday at 1000 AM will be the Who Do You Follow Walk for Christ.  It will begin at 10:00 AM at the stadium. Be encouraged to walk or ride with our community to show our allegiance to the Risen Lord.

If you have children, our Children's Easter Activity will be at 10:00 AM at the church.  A great time of games, fellowship, devotion, an egg hunt and lunch will be offered. Bring the children and some guests for a fun way to celebrate Easter.

Sunday there will be a Sunrise Easter Service at 8:00 AM and this will be followed by a light breakfast.  Sunday School and Morning Worship will be held at usual times - 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM.  There will be no evening service that night.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Family Ministries Meal

Our meal this week for Family Ministries will be Chicken and Rice, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Vegetables and Dessert.  Meal will begin at 5:30 PM.  Be encouraged to spend Spring Break with the church family!

“Meals also have the power to shape and reshape community. A person to whom we may have related in one role becomes a person to whom we relate as friend. Serving another changes the dynamics of a relationship. The leader who serves at table is no longer aloof” 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Easter Drama

Our youth will be attending an Easter Drama presented by Pine Grove Baptist Church in Trenton.  They will be leaving our church at 4:00 PM on Friday, March 25.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Being A Positive and Confident Christian

Beautiful reminder from a recent sermon...

Today's culture needs to see positive and confident Christians. These are characteristics that should flow naturally from us, not needing to be worked up or thought up.
Here are great reasons WHY we can be confident and positive Christians...
1.  Because our God is a Deliverer, we ought always to be looking for what God is doing.
2.  Because death has no victory, Christ arose victoriously over all things, including death.
3.  Because the enemy recognizes who will be victorious already.  The enemy knows his end and in due time will receive it.
4.  Because we can do something the disciples could not...seeing they believed but great blessings were pronounced on those who believed without seeing.
5. Because the battle has been won.
Christ is victorious and will reign forever.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Who Do You Follow Walk

On Saturday, March 26th, the annual “Who Do You Follow?” walk will begin at the Paul Langford Stadium at 10:00 a.m. The walk will take a brief stop at the bandstand stage downtown for some hymns and will conclude back at Langford Stadium.
This is a wonderful opportunity to join with church family and community to proclaim publicly our faith and trust in the Lord. If you are not involved with the Children's Easter Activity, be encouraged to take part in this community ministry. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Palm Sunday

Sunday is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar after Christmas and Easter. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, and marks the beginning of Holy Week, the week of events leading up to Jesus' death. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The gospels record the arrival of Jesus riding into the city on a donkey, while the crowds spread their cloaks and palm branches on the street and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" to honor him as their long-awaited Messiah and King. 

In addition to the special day, we will be observing 2 sacred ordinances of God's Word - Baptism and Communion.  This is always a meaningful time as we celebrate the newness of life baptism represents and a time to reflect on God's great sacrifice to us - His Son Jesus.  May we prepare our hearts for worship and come with praise, honor and adoration to our King. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Don't Forget..Tonight's Brotherhood Dinner

Remember tonight is the Brotherhood dinner beginning at 6:00 PM at the church.  If you signed up, you have a steak and baked potato waiting on you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

10 Commandments of Christian Leadership

Leadership is never to be taken lightly, especially Christian leadership. But, what a blessing godly leadership is to the local church. Here are 10 commandments that every leader should be developing in their lives.

Follow first.
Follow Jesus above all. Jesus is the One who transforms our character. If your love for Him grows cold, your character will suffer, as will those you serve. Without Jesus, your leadership may be transactional, but it will not be transformational.

Lead yourself.
The most difficult person to lead is yourself, but if you cannot lead yourself, how can you lead others? A lack of discipline in one area of your life will spill over to other areas.

Set up chairs.
If you cannot set up chairs, you cannot be a leader. Christian leadership is about serving. If you are above setting up chairs and other tasks, you cannot and should not be a leader.

Embrace pain.
Pain is inevitable and instructional. Because we live in a fallen world with broken people, there is great pain in leadership. Embrace the pain, and the Lord will use it to develop you.

Submit to everyone.
Respect the leaders the Lord has placed over you, but also submit to those you have been asked to lead. Adjust to others as a servant. As you do, you will learn and grow from those you willingly place yourself under.

Find a mentor.
Great leadership is often more caught than taught. Surround yourself with people whose lives challenge and encourage you.

Read a lot.
John Wesley famously challenged Christian leaders to “read or get out of the ministry.” By reading, you surround yourself with great minds and great thinking. Read to develop yourself spiritually and mentally.

Seek feedback.
Feedback helps you evaluate and adjust your own leadership. Continually ask for feedback from wise people who love you and the organization you are leading.

Learn to lead by leading.
Quit waiting for the bigger assignment to prepare and develop; lead well in your current context and learn as you lead. Experience is the best leadership teacher you will have.

Go home.
If you excel at work but fail to love and lead your family well, you put both in jeopardy. If you cannot manage your own house well, how can you lead others? 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Children's Easter Activity

On March 26 beginning at 10:00 AM, we will be celebrating Easter with a special time of activities for our children. There will be outside games and activities, a devotion, an egg hunt and will conclude with lunch together.  

Be encouraged to bring the children out for a great time of celebration and fun!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring Forward This Weekend...

Don't forget, this weekend we will set our clocks AHEAD one hour.

The Nine Types of Facebook Christians

Note: This post is NOT written at anyone in particular. It’s all in good fun!! But...have you met any of these??

Awesome Andy:

Andy wants you to know just how awesome every part of his life is. God is totally into Andy. Andy frequently likes to use the hashtag #Blessed, as in, “Just got a $10,000 raise at work! Gonna buy that jet ski! LOL #Blessed”. If things are really awesome, Andy may employ #DoubleBlessed, or the rarely seen, most heavenly of all hashtags, #Blezzed. Andy is definitely living his best life now.

Venting Vanessa:

Vanessa uses Facebook as a way to “get things off her chest”, which is somehow different from complaining. If she has a bad day at work, she will definitely let you know, usually with multiple exclamation marks!!!! And perhaps a link to a music video which makes her feel better. Her friends will commiserate with her in the comments, even though they secretly wish she would just stop complaining about her First World problems.

Overly Spiritual Owen:

Owen exclusively posts Scripture verses and John Piper quotes. If you post a picture of you enjoying a steak, he will comment, “Think of how many orphans could be fed with that steak.” If you mention that you are enjoying the new Mumford and Sons album, he will passive-aggressively correct you by posting the Scripture about being in the world but not of the world. Owen gets “unfriended” quite frequently.

Overly Opinionated Olive:

Olive has very strong opinions about every possible subject, and she will share them with you. All. The Time. She is constantly sharing incendiary articles written by rather shaky sources about vaccines, common core, paleo eating, vegan eating, paleos eating vegans, flu shots, and juice cleansing. The world is her soapbox, and she never steps off it.

Maybe Saved Mike:

Mike goes to your church. Mike says he is a Christian. Mike posts things on Facebook that make you raise your eyebrows. Like photos of him doing keg stands.

Really Right Wing Rick:

Rick somehow manages to connect every problem to the Democratic party. Was it this cold when Bush was President? Thanks Obama! Rick writes posts on his Xanga blog about how the Democrats are ushering in the rule of the Anti-Christ. Rick also owns a lot of firearms. My transmission blew out today. Never had the problem when Reagan was in office!

Quiz Quentin:

Thanks to Facebook, Quentin has discovered that she looks just like Taylor Swift, is most like the Apostle Paul, would be Wonderwoman if she were a Marvel Superhero, and is best described by the word “compassion”. Quentin really needs some affirming friends in her life.

Homeschooled Harry:

Harry isn’t on Facebook. He’s homeschooled.

Guilt Trip Gina:

Gina regularly posts photos which say, “I love Jesus. REPOST IF YOU AGREE.” This puts you in a rather difficult spot. The photo is of a super cheesy, caucasian, long, flowing hair Jesus. You have no desire to post the photo. But if you don’t post it, does that mean you don’t love Jesus? SO MUCH GUILT!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

CSI...Critical Spiritual Investigator

"If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict?"

4 Kinds of Evidence Every Christian Should be Leaving Behind

1. Physical evidence.
If someone followed you around for a week, what would they find?  Be looking in your refrigerator, your choices of tv, movies, music, your Sunday activities, would they be different from the ones of the world? What would someone see in you that identifies you as a Christian?

2. Behavior evidence.
Christians should have the mind of Christ, "WWJD"  "What Would Jesus Do".  Our behavior is controlled by those we choose to hang around. Our circumstances are around us, but our character is within us.  Actions should proclaim that faith is real.  Our behavior is controlled by our character.

3.  Testimonial evidence.
If our conversations were recorded, what they reveal?  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Our testimony is not only what we say, but also what we do. 

4. Fingerprint evidence.
We don't stay on this earth forever, but we leave an imprint long after we are gon. May we leave God's fingerprints on others.  We all influence those we encounter. Example...
"In memory of John Geddie, D.D., born in Scotland, 1815, minister in Prince Edward Island seven years, Missionary sent from Nova Scotia to Aneiteum for twenty-four years. When he landed in 1848, there were no Christians here, and when he left in 1872 there were no heathen."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bags of Blessings

We've been collecting donations for our "Bags of Blessings" where a backpack is filled with food for children to take home on the weekends when food at their homes may be scarce. We have received a generous response as usual from our loving and giving church!

Yesterday in the morning service a teacher shared how these bags truly bring blessings to families. A student in her class receives a bag each week and the grandmother who raises the child along with 4 others, graciously shared how much this extra food means to them over the weekend when all the children are at home. She was very appreciative of the food and the generous, thoughtfulness behind the ministry.

May we be encouraged to pray for this ministry and for the families it will be impacting.  May they see and feel the love of God through this small act of blessing.   

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Family Ministries Meal

This week the menu for Family Ministries meal will be tacos, yellow rice, black beans, fruit and vegetable tray, cornbread and dessert.  Meal begins at 5:30 PM, ministries for the entire family begin at 6:30 PM.  

Be encouraged to come, sit down and enjoy a meal together with the church family. Nothing like sharing a meal to strengthen and build bonds of fellowship!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Men's Fellowship Dinner

All men are invited to a time of dinner and fellowship on Thursday, March 17 beginning at 6:00 PM.  Menu will be steak, baked potato and fixings.

It has been quite a while since our men have met and we are inviting all men to come and share some fellowship and encouragement together.  Please let Buddy H. know if you plan to attend to assist with the food preparation planning.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Project 3:16 Testimony

This testimony was shared on a facebook post and is not in our area, but is very powerful!  

It was about 4:15 pm. I prayed, “God, it’s 4:15 and I have not shared yet today. You choose the person and I will share.”
On my way home, I stopped at the store to pick up something. In the frozen food isle I saw two elderly women. One of the women was trying to climb inside the freezer to get a slice of pie on the top shelf. I stepped in and got the pie for her and her friend. She said, “Thank you. Do you work here?”
I said, “No, but I am a part of PROJECT 3:16. We are a group of people going around asking others if they have heard of John 3:16. Have either of you ladies ever heard of John 3:16.” I got to share both John 3:16 and my personal story. I also invited them to church on Easter Sunday.

Friday, March 4, 2016

How Do We Honor Our Commitments?

We heard last Sunday about the importance of honoring our commitments.  Here are a few reasons why.

1.  Responsibility. Respond in obedience.
God desire for us to listen and to obey. It's one thing to believe something is true but quite another to obey it. 
The litmus test of obedience is whether or not we are living what we know to be true.

2.  Warning. Recognize the downside.
The heart is the command center of a person's life. It is where we collect and consider knowledge when we make decisions and plans that determine the direction of our lives. Here is where we determine to honor our commitments and to keep our promises. If we fail to honor our commitments, we will damage our personal testimony, impact our success in life and strain our relationship with God.

3. Remember the benefits.
Life and peace are the Lord's covenant promise. Life speaks of a satisfying life known only to those who receive God's favor.  Peace is more than a quiet soul, but also welfare of every kind. Those who obey God will be blessed.

4. Failure  Resorting to unfaithfulness.
A covenant was a solemn and binding mutual agreement between two parties. When one party failed to fulfill his obligation, the covenant was said to be broken. In our day, many a marriage, friendship or business partnership has been rendered useless because someone failed to honor a commitment.

5.  Action.  Erecting boundaries. 
To 'watch' means to hedge with thorns or protect by attending to. 
Some boundaries to consider for today can be...

  • I alone am responsible for my life. I will stop blaming, rationalizing and excusing my failure to honor my commitment.
  • I can't do everythign, so it's okay to say no.
  • I will speak with purpose.
  • I will only make commitments I intend to keep.
  • I will write down all teh agreements I make.
  • I will clear up any broken agreement at the first opportunity.
  • I will follow through on the commitments I have made even though it may requre sacrifice, work and cost. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It is now know 03/2016  where we get our Project 3:16 based on sharing John 3:16 and  the gospel message through the month of March.  
Prayer is vital for any ministry, but as we participate in seeking to spread the gospel message, we need God to prepare hearts and fill us with boldness.

Will you pray for Project 3:16?

Let’s pray for:
Open doors to share the gospel.
God to show us each day with whom He wants us to share Jesus. 
The movement of the Holy Spirit on our lives as we share.
Each other- that we will be bold in sharing Jesus.
The salvation of many to the glory of God.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Honoring Our Commitments

Remember the powerful sermon a month ago..."A Call to Commitment" where we were challenged in a few areas? Yesterday's sermon followed up on the questions...
1. A commitment to personal growth -time spent in the Word with God.
2. A commitment to the local church - faithfulness in church attendance.
3. A commitment to ministry - using the gifts and talents God has given you to minister to others.

Yesterday, we heard about "Honoring Our Commitments". It's easy to say we'll commit to do things but can be an entirely different thing following through on them. You've heard the saying ..."Talk is cheap, but actions speak louder than words". 

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution, long after the excitement of the moment has passed. Honoring our commitments is part of our character. It is a quality that attracts people to us and enhancess our relationships and opportunities.

Failing to honor our commitments will tarnish our image and have a negative effect on our reputaion. It can create a barrier to personal achievement and erect a roadblock against success. By honoring our commitments we create a strong foundation that will support us and our endeavors.  As a result we will be recognized as a person of integrity and charager - someone others can trust. Our lives work to the degree we keep our aggrements."  Cavett Robert

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Family Ministry Meal

This week's family ministry meal will be HOMEMADE (not Publix, KFC or Wal Mart!) fried chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, broccoli, salad, bread and dessert. What a treat!  Meal will begin at 5:30 PM, ministries for the entire family will begin at 6:30 PM.  Come on out and be a part of Family Ministries!