Monday, December 29, 2014

A recent article shared 10 Characteristics of Leaders Who Last.  As the New Year approaches, may we be encouraged to set our minds on being the best we can be.  Time is important and what we do for Christ needs to be done with diligence and unwavering commitment.   

Here are a few characteristics and some encouragement to be an effective leader.

1. They begin with a determination to finish well.
I have not yet met a leader who led well over the course of time by accident. Instead, they decide up front that they will run the race with the end goal in mind. They establish appropriate boundaries to maintain their integrity, and they continually push themselves to improve.

2. They always have a vision bigger than they are.
Regardless of their age, these leaders do not settle for maintenance mode. Their vision is so big— o “God-sized,” in theological terms—that relaxing makes little sense as long as more remains to be accomplished. Nor do these leaders ever want to fail morally or ethically; their task matters too much to let that happen.

3. They take care of themselves spiritually.
I realize this point sounds cliché, but it is nevertheless valid. These leaders understand that what they do behind the scenes matters. They read the Scriptures, pray, study, worship, fellowship—and lead out of the overflow of their walk with God.

4. They take care of themselves physically.
Again, this point is obvious, yet significant. The long-lasting leaders I have met eat properly, exercise regularly and sleep well. They cannot avoid the effects of aging, but they don’t contribute to poor health by making bad decisions. I confess I have much to learn here.

5. They invest in their family.  
My experiences reveal a common pattern: Leaders who last are good spouses and parents. They work hard at their profession, but not at the expense of their family. Indeed, their relationships keep them grounded; nothing they gain through their work is worth harming their loved ones.

6. They treat people well.
To put it simply, these leaders are nice people. They respect others, including those who disagree with them. They are seldom rude or impatient. Long track records of strong, healthy relationships give them credibility as they lead over many years. Some of these leaders are so kind that I have never heard a negative word about them.

7. They share the workload.
These leaders delegate well without shirking their responsibility to lead through influence and vision casting. They have learned that failing to share the work is not only exhausting, but it is also arrogant. In fact, it is nothing less than idolatry of the self.

8. They do not let discouragement set in. 
It’s not that they don’t get discouraged; it’s just that they don’t wallow in that emotion. They deal with fires of conflict before they become consuming. They do not like failure, but they know failure is seldom the end of the story. Sometimes, accountability partners have permission to challenge them when they seem emotionally down.

9. They have genuine friends.  
Their friendships may not be numerous, but they are nevertheless real. Because they have friends, these leaders know they always have a support system. Regardless of what leadership challenges they face, they know they are not alone.

10. They have learned to laugh.
Some of the best long-term leaders I know are also the ones who most readily laugh. Somehow, they are deadly serious without taking themselves too seriously. They can put their followers at ease even while they cast a vision with life-changing ramifications.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Communion This Sunday

This Sunday is the last Sunday of 2014.  What a better time to be in church together as we share Communion.  Our Lord commanded us to take the bread and wine (grape juice), to remember His great love and sacrifice for us. We will be observing the Lord's Supper Sunday morning.  
Be encouraged to come with a heart of thanksgiving and worship!

Friday, December 26, 2014

New Year's Eve Dinner and Movie Night

Wednesday night (New Year's Eve) we will have a dinner and movie celebration!  Be encouraged to spend New Year's Eve with church family as we reflect on the past year and eagerly look forward to 2015.

Soup and sandwiches will be provided, please bring a salad, chips, dessert to share.  Please make plans to attend!!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What to Give This Christmas

Christmas gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent,  tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all,  charity.
To every  child, a good example.
To yourself, respect."

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Cantata

This Sunday will be a very special day at Antioch as our choir will present "The First Noel", a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.  

The choir has worked very hard getting the music, narration and order of the musical together.  We are excited and thankful for their diligence and faithfulness to lead our church in praise and worship.

Please make plans to come and share in the joy and praise of this joyous season!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Party!!

This Saturday (December 13) there will be a time of fun, food and Christmas fellowship for our Adult and Young Adults Sunday School classes.  The party will be at the home of Rem and Joyce F. beginning with some fellowship time around 5:00 PM  and a meal following at 6:00 PM.  Be encouraged to come out for a casual time to celebrate Christ and the gift of church family!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Caroling

This Wednesday night at 5:30 PM, we will leave the church to make a round of Christmas carolling.  We will be visiting the nursing home residents along with a few of our homebound church family to bring a song of Christmas cheer.  Following the carolling, we will gather back at the church for a time of soup, salad and fellowship.  Please plan to bring a finger food or dessert to share.  All are welcome!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Parade

Last weekend Antioch participated in the community Christmas parade. Several put in long hours making our "Down Home Christmas" float absolutely beautiful!!  Here are some pictures of the float.