Monday, November 24, 2008

Prayer Request

Many of you are aware of this special request, but your fervent prayer is needed for Gene B. Gene was on a lawn mower last week and a tree fell across his back causing serious injury to his back. He is in a back brace and is in the hospital now for evaluation of the damage. Our prayer is that his back will heal in place without him needing a very intense surgery. They will make a decision this week. Please remember Gene and his family.

A few other requests were mentioned at church and your prayers are also appreciated for these.
Ida D. had recent surgery and a few complications and needs our prayers.
Robert S.'s nephew is in his 40s and suffering from cancer.
A few men, some church family and some loved ones have been deployed to Iraq and left yesterday. Please pray for these and the many others serving along with their families. Especially as they face the holidays without their men.

Special thanks to our church for a fantastic Thanksgiving lunch and for your generous giving through Operation Christmas Child and the food baskets which were filled to overflowing to share this Thanksgiving. Thank you and God bless you!

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