Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sermon Refresher

Last Sunday we were encouraged by the sermon entitled: Choosing Faith In the Midst of Suffering.
A question we were to ponder was "How will we respond when our world caves in?" Will we choose faith?
Here are a few things that choosing faith will NOT do for those going through suffering.
1. It will not eliminate pain.
2. It will not stop the questions.
3. It will not create a logical reason for the suffering.

Suffering does not always make sense. Suffering does not discriminate - it affects all ages, races etc. Financial situations or prosperity is not exempt from suffering.
But the only option is to choose faith.
Here are a few things that choosing faith WILL do in the midst of a trial.
1. It will remind you that God is in total control.
2. It will be a rare and precious gift to God - the precious sacrifice of praise is true worship.
3. It will bring you closer to God. The road of suffering draws us closer to God.
God loves you and can work His good through any circumstance - good or bad.
Remember always to "Choose Faith".

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