Monday, August 16, 2010

Help Wanted!!

Help Wanted.  In today's world those words are able to bring a huge response.  When a help wanted cry comes from the church, you can often times see an immediate reaction of finding an excuse not to accept the job!  "I don't have time", I can't commit to a year of serving in this area", "Let someone else do it", "I'm too tired and have too many commitments already" are many of the reasons people feel unable to serve in the church. 

Our nominating committee is currently in the process of seeking willing workers to fill ministry positions in the church.  There are several opportunities in our church for people to serve.  It takes a lot of people working together to equip a church.  Especially if the church desires to have ministries that grow and encourage people. 

God has gifted each Christian with talents, gifts and abilities.  We are His workmanship, created for good works.  We are already gifted and equipped to serve Him!  Setting aside all excuses, what hinders you from serving the Lord in the area He has gifted you?

During the next few weeks, you are encouraged to ponder and search your heart for that special group or ministry that inspires you.  The one that you have ideas about or are have a special interest in.  It could be anywhere from serving in the nursery, in the kitchen, in the choir to leading a ministry class.  Pray and ask God to show you where He would have you to serve this upcoming church year. God will show you and make a way for you to be blessed and to be a blessing!

"God doesn't call the qualified -
He qualifies those who He calls"

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