Friday, October 1, 2010

40/40 Prayer Vigil

The 40/40 Prayer Vigil is an encouragement to pray for spiritual revival and national renewal.  Our nation is in need of both.  Christians must become engaged in the battle for our nation's soul.  But, until Christians experience revival in our own lives, this will be a difficult task.

40/40 is a time of dedicated prayer for 40 days.  Booklets were passed out last week for the first week.  The highlights will be shared here and then you can jump in next week with the prayer guide. 

This week prayer keys were:

A Thirst For God:
Revival begins when Christians long for a closer walk with God.

A Longing For His Word:
God's Word is an indispensable part of genuine, lasting revival.

Christians must see their sinfulness the way God sees it.

Examine Relationships:
Christians must seek to restore healthy relationships.

Concern For the Lost:
Christians should be genuinely, deeply burdened for lost souls.

Revival begins when Christians repent of their sin and embrace holiness.

May we reflect on these keys and seek the Lord to do a work in our hearts, church and nation.

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