Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Special Shower

Families are a huge part of the Antioch church family.  Most of us recognize the blessings and responsibility of bringing our children to church faithfully. God's Word encourages us to "train up our children in the ways of the Lord."  In today's times, it can be a challenge to be diligent to the house of the Lord and keep our children involved in church activities.  Many things clamor and compete for our attention and time which is limited.  Even good things like family time, sports activities, rest and relaxation can entice us away from attending church.  An excuse to stay home is always nearby! Being faithful and committed to church is hard, but with the Lord's help and a family commitment, we can make church a normal part of our life and schedule.  When  we 'seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all things will be added unto us" and our lives will be complete and pleasing to the Lord.

Each family at Antioch is special and a cherished part of our church.  One of our families is currently in the midst of wedding plans!  Tiffany R. will be getting married June 25 and our church will be blessing her with a Bridal Shower on May 12 in the church fellowship hall beginning at 6:00 PM.  We would like to make this a special time as our church celebrates this new passage of life for Tiffany and her family.

Many children have been 'born and raised" at Antioch.  Many children grow up and come and go through the years, but Tiffany is one of those children which her and her family have been faithful and active members since Tiffany was born. Their diligence and faithful service to our church has been unwavering as they lived their lives and raised their children week in and week out in church. Our church has been blessed through the years by sharing in their lives through the years and we want to extend our appreciation for their service and beautiful example of commitment. 

As we celebrate with this family this momentous occasion, you are welcome and encouraged to come to the bridal shower and express your love and support for our girl!   May 12 at 6:00 PM.   Hope to see you there!

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