Friday, August 31, 2012

New Sunday School Year Begins Sunday!

Each Septmber a new year in our Sunday School department begins!  Children who have advanced a grade in school are promoted to the appropriate Sunday School grade.  This first day of the new class is always an exciting time! 
This is also a great time for our families to recommit to Sunday School attendance.  Nothing works to help us grow in Christ like dilgently and purposefully coming to God's house to learn His Word and fellowship with other believers.  Sunday School attendance shows dedication, commtitmenet and diligence in our Christian walk.  When our families are faithfully coming to Sunday School, they are strengthened and in turn our church is strengthened.  Will you commit grow in the Lord this new year?
The next few week's lessons include:
  • Tell others about the hope you have as a Christian. (Sept 2)
  • Demonstrate holiness in your life. (Sept 9)
  • Forsake sinful behavior and grow as a believer. (Sept 16)

"God has called every Christian to a holy life.  There are no exceptions to this call."
Jerry Bridges

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