Friday, February 21, 2014

Week of Prayer For Home Missions

The Week of Prayer for Home Missions is coming up in March.  Here are a few facts taken from the Florida Baptist Convention about the Cooperative Program:

Through the Cooperative Program, Florida Baptists are partnering together with Southern Baptists throughout the world to change lives of men and women, boys and girls with the saving message of Jesus Christ.

By doing together what we cannot do alone, lives are being transformed simultaneously in communities near and far through the commitment of Florida Baptists to take the Great Commission to their neighborhoods and around the globe.
Share with your members something specific that is being accomplished through the Cooperative Program:
·        4,822 international missionaries are funded through the Cooperative Program.
·        7,300 Florida Baptist volunteers are trained in disaster relief, making the Southern Baptist Convention the third largest disaster relief provider in the nation. 
·        105 new churches were started last year in Florida.
·        1,500 students are being trained through theological education provided in Florida.
·        49,000-plus new Christians were baptized and taught to share their faith through
evangelistic outreach emphases.

For more information about our missionaries, see Missionary Moments 

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