Monday, May 26, 2014

The Most Important Part of the Service

What part of the church service do you like best? 
Is it the singing?  The fellowship time?  The preaching where we listen and absorb God's Word?
All these play a vital role in worship.  If there was to be a most important part, would it be the time when we are still and seeking God?  In our minds when we may be  evaluating our actions, allowing God to search our hearts and bring us to a wholeness with Him.
After the sermon, our pastor asks a few soul searching questions for Christians. He encourages us to search our hearts for sin, be reconciled to God in any area we find conviction. He speaks to those who have not yet invited Christ into their lives and implores them to obey the Holy Spirit drawing them to come to God. 
These few moments bring the entire worship service to a place where we can God.  These moments are vital, they are moments hovering between spiritual life and death. 
Last Sunday a woman came to church, it was the first time in several years.  She sat with her family, feeling a bit uncomfortable.  She fumbled along to find the hymns in the hymnal, but she did, she opened her Bible and read along.  She heard the preaching and answered his heart searching questions with a nod.  She had a deep need and came looking for something...Praise God, she came to church. 
As the pastor began to speak, she began to wipe the tears from her eyes.  The time came when he asked everyone to bow their heads as we went before the throne of grace and mercy.  It was clear that the Lord was doing a work in her heart.  As heads bowed, my hope was that she would surrender to the Lord.  
But as the pastor began to speak, people began to get up to leave. Even though attempting to quietly slip out, the slightest noise or movement can be just the distraction needed to take the focus off the voice of God in our hearts.  She just sat for a few moments, then stood to sing.  When she turned to leave, she still had tears in her eyes. 
The purpose of this heartfelt post is to encourage us to be sensitive to the working of the Lord in other's lives, especially during this time of critical decision.  There is a member of our church family who sits close to the front.  Every Sunday once the pastor finishes his message, this man bows his head in prayer and stays there until the invitation begins.  One can only imagine his prayers for God to move and do what only He can do.  What a powerful way to partner with God and petition Him on behalf of others.
May we be in prayer all week, but especially during the time of the service when the Holy Spirit has been invited to work in the hearts and lives of those in our church.  God is able to do so much more than we us, nothing is impossible to Him .  May we welcome and invite His work in our church and in our lives.

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