Friday, February 13, 2015

Love One Another is in the air!  This weekend is Valentine's Day and we wish you and yours a very special time of celebrating and cherishing marriage and family love.  This weekend, is usually a time to express our love to one another and celebrate the gift of love.  

As Christians, love is more than an occasion to celebrate, it is our responsibility and should become our lifestyle.Love is affectionate devotion. We are to have it for God first, and then others. Thankfully God doesn't just issue a cold command. He shows us the way.

The best way to learn this kind of love is to look to Jesus. His love for us is selfless, it does not expect anything in return, it is kind and gentle, sacrificial and unconditional. This is how Christians should love each other. We must cultivate real affection for each other and devotion for one another’s good. This is especially true for those who are in your church, community group,Bible studies, family and neighborhood. Love seeks, serves, and sacrifices in joy for what it reflects (the glory of God) and what it does (blesses another).

Love is patient and kind, not envious, boastful, arrogant, or rude (1 Cor. 13).  This love comes out in the way we talk to our friends, comment online and act towards those who hurt or frustrate us.

Good works are actions and words that flow from faith and a heart that loves. The Apostle Paul talks about good works quite a bit and actually uses this phrase 6 times in the book of Titus alone.

Good works is how we obey God, imitate Jesus, honor fellow believers, care for our neighbors, and how we shine light into a godless society.

The Christian life is one shared with others and a large part of it is finding ways to inspire each other to follow Christ, practically, in love and good works.

Here are some practical ways we can stir each other up to love and good deed.

1. By getting to know fellow Christians

You are an important part of the body of Christ. You have been given talents and gifts that are to be used for the benefit of others. Getting to know people takes time but it will make your life so much more rich and it will enrich the life of others.

2. By sharing what you are learning

I am always so encouraged when I hear my fiends share what they are studying, learning and reading. It is sometimes the kick in the pants I need to get back to God’s word and other times it excites me to share with them the things that I am learning.

3. By Praying

Never underestimate the power of prayer. God uses it to work wondrous things in the lives of his people. It is easy to say “I will pray for you” and then forget all about it. It might be better to pray for someone first and then tell them that you did.  It is encouraging to know that someone has thought of you and prayed for you.

4. By example

Our lives should be such as men may safely copy. – C. H. Spurgeon

It means taking the high road, forgiving others when they sin against you (and they will), practicing hospitality and speaking kindly of others. It is handling disappointment in a godly way,  visiting someone in the hospital, taking a meal to someone, or babysitting for a worn out mom who desperately needs a date with her husband.

Excerts rom Love God Greatly

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