Friday, June 9, 2017

Praying for VBS

Our Vacation Bible School starts next week!  This is one of the biggest evangelistic opportunities our church has.  It enables us to invite children from our church and community to hear the Word of God and experience His love as we share, serve and love them.

The effectiveness of this ministry is directly related to what is put into preparing for it.  There is much planning, recruiting teachers and workers, gathering materials, decorating, food preparation and much more.

It is understood that not everyone is able to participate in serving at VBS. But...all church family has the powerful privilege to pray for this outreach.  In fact, your prayers are desperately needed if this ministry is to be fruitful.  Will you help?

Here are a few ideas on how to pray for VBS:

Pray for the children who will attend. Pray that God will prepare their hearts to learn about Jesus.

Pray that compassion would fill the hearts of every adult and student leader.

Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed boldly, compassionately, and clearly.

Pray for the enemy to be defeated in the lives of leaders, parents, and children.

 Pray for the parents and/or caregivers of the children who will attend. Pray that they will be engaged in conversation with their children about what their children are learning.

Pray that the Lord would work through the lives of the children to reach their families with the Good News.

Pray that this week will be the catalyst for all believers involved to begin a passionate pursuit of sharing the Gospel each opportunity they have.

Pray that those who attend who are hungry for love and affirmation would find it not just from the leaders but in Jesus.

Pray that the Celebration Presentation will draw unchurched family members to our church.

Pray that those who do not have a church home will be compelled to get connected at our church.

Pray that “hands-on” activities will lead to “open-hearts.”

Pray for strength and endurance both physically and spiritually for all leaders and children.

Pray that our church can begin to help meet needs that are discovered during the week.

Pray for unity among the leaders as they serve together.

Pray that what is learned will make a difference in the lives of all who participate.

Pray that all leaders will offer their service to the Lord and work for Him and Him alone.

Pray that all involved will realize the vastness of God’s love for them.

Pray for those who accept Christ. Pray that they will get involved in discipleship and grow as Christ-followers.

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