Monday, July 21, 2008

Remember In Prayer...

A praying church is a church that thrives. It is a church that is headed in God's direction. We are blessed at Antioch with many prayer warriors and their prayers and commitment are deeply appreciated and needed.
There are some things as a church we need to be praying about as a church. A new church year is starting and that is the time for many places of service to be filled. Our Nominating Committee works diligently each year connecting willing workers with ministry opportunities. Please begin to pray for this committee and the work they do. Please also pray and ask the Lord where your part at Antioch is and where He would like you to serve. Each year there are many places where workers are needed. This year there is a need for a Sunday School director, Sunday School teachers and workers, nursery workers and many other places that need help.
What a blessing it would be and how fruitful would the ministries of our church be if each one sought the Lord and followed His leading. Please pray!
Also the mission team is still in West Virgina ministering and you are encouraged to keep them in your prayers this week. They will return home on Friday.

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