Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sermon Recap

Last Sunday was a great church day at Antioch. There was good attendance, excitement about the upcoming week of Vacation Bible School and lots of good fellowship.
The pastor continued the series about What A Real Christian Looks Like and shared a very encouraging message.
The sermon was based on Ephesians 4:7-10 and highlighted some great points:
Every Christian can change.
Christ's giving and grace is unmerited. There is nothing we can do or have done to deserve God's grace.
True Christians are changed from the inside out, just as the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
We are designed with God to soar as an eagle.
If we fail or struggle with sin, we need to remind ourselves that God is not finished with us yet, we are a continued work in Him.
Jesus secured our life change.
We need to act on God's truth - Romans 6:1-4
We need to divert sin's path just as water is diverted by damming up the path it treads. By doing this, we alter its rutted path and overcome its intended destination.
As Christians we grow as we meditate on God's Word. Let's reflect on what we have heard this week and keep God's Word close to our heart - it is the path to change and blessing! Have a blessed week.

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