Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Help Wanted

Homecoming will be October 12 and we are looking forward to it. There is always a great crowd of friends from near and far who visit this day and of course there is always an abundance of good food and great fellowship!
There is a great need for volunteers to work in the nursery on Homecoming. There is a session from 9:45 - 10:45 AM and from 11:00 to 12:00 Noon. Many of our regular nursery workers will be needed in the worship service in the choir and also in the kitchen to help with food preparation. If there are enough volunteers, shifts could be taken and no one will have to miss the entire service. There will be two nurseries, one for babies up to 2 years old and a toddler room for children ages 3-5. There will be many children there and your service will be a blessing to our church and our guests. Please see Kisha L., Lajena P., or Joyce F. if you would be willing to help. Thank you!

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