Monday, September 15, 2008

Prayer Requests

What a blessing and joy it has been to be in the house of the Lord! Sunday was a great day of worship as we reverently reflected on the sacrifice and love of our Savior as we observed the Lord's Supper. There has been great attendance the last two Sundays with people being touched by the Lord. There have been 4 people who have come forward to join the fellowship at Antioch and we are delighted to receive them!
Some people this week are in need of our love, support and prayers. Here is an update:
Carol A. - she is in the hospital and has undergone kidney dialysis. This will hopefully allow her kidneys to function effectively. Please keep Carol and her children who are by her side in your prayers.
Nell P. is Janet W.'s mother. - Nell is undergoing a very serious surgery today to remove a tumor from her intestines. Please pray for the tumor to be removed with no damage to her intestines.
Pat R. - He and his family have moved to Live Oak recently and they have been attending our church recently. Please pray as there has been a tragedy in Pat's family and he is seeking to minister to them. Please pray for the Lord to lead Pat and for his family to find strength, comfort and salvation in the Lord.
Michelle T. - she has been struggling with a deflated lung and lung issues. She was diagnosed with pneumonia last week and needs our prayers for healing and strength in her body.
Danell F. - she has been diagnosed with shingles and is enduring the pain and discomfort of shingles while maintaining her duties as wife and mother. Please keep her in prayer.

There were many men touched by the gospel message at the Men's Outdoor Extravaganza last weekend. Please pray that their hearts will be softened to the Lord and that the seeds planted would grow into a sprout of salvation in their lives.

Prayer is so important and vital in our church family. Please keep these in prayer and be sensitive to ways to minister to one another as the body of Christ.

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