Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beyond Sunday Morning...

Sunday mornings are great at church!  We come ready to worship the Lord, hear great music to stir our heart in praise, hear a sermon from God's Word that fills and enriches us and we fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters.

But there is an even sweeter fellowship - beyond Sunday morning!  As we fellowship Sunday morning, we usually are ready for lunch and our conversations may be about the weather and polite small talk. 

Beyond Sunday morning is a relaxed time to enjoy fellowship with one another.  It is the dedication of gathering Sunday night or Wednesday night with others who come with a desire to grow deeper in the Lord.  It is a common faithfulness that brings each one back.  It is the gathering to eat a meal together where relaxed conversation flows and we learn about each other and open our hearts to share with others.  

Fellowship grows into fun as three generations of family gather at the ball field to cheer the team on.  Fellowship stays connected through the week through email and social media.  The common interests of saving money bring ladies to workshops to learn how to care better for their families.  

Fellowship strengthens the bonds of friendship as we serve together.  Washing dishes together in the church kitchen, teaching a Sunday School class together, helping out in Vacation Bible School, summer camp or offering a helping hand to a project unites hearts in the service of the Lord and gives fulfillment and joy through serving. 

Fellowship helps carry the burdens of church family.  A card, phone call or visit strengthens the bonds of love and extends God's grace and love into the lives of others. 

Each week there are several opportunities to further our fellowship - beyond Sunday morning.  Will you take advantage of them and come grow together in fellowship and love for the body of Christ?

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