Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Pure In Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God. 
Matthew 5:8

This beatitude sounds simple, but holds depth and meaning for our life if we pursue it. Pure in heart does not mean perfect.  There is no perfect person.

Pure "in heart".  What is heart:
The heart is not only a vital organ for life, it is the center of our person, our thoughts, emotions, our essence, the center of who we are.  Often interchangeable with the mind.  The heart is the center of our being.

Our heart is flawed:
God's Word tells us that the human heart is wicked and deceitful.  We are born sinners, with a sin nature.  God can see beyond our outside into our heart.  He knows our hearts, thoughts and motives.  Man sees the outside, God sees into the heart.

Purity - cleanliness, godliness, genuine, free from impurities.
Only Jesus can make our sinful hearts clean.  Purity comes from Him, not ourselves, but Him dwelling in us.  Purity comes only with God dwelling in us.  He takes our sin, shame and filth and gives us His forgiveness, cleansing and purity.

How do we "see God"?
Creation speaks of the Lord to all.  But to those who have accepted His gift of salvation and walk in purity, to see means mental and spiritual perception, discernment and understanding.  We can see God moving in the lives of others and see His unfolding provision in our life.  Purity enhances our spiritual sight, impurity diminishes it.
Questions for today:
Has your heart been cleansed?
Are you walking in purity in your life?

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