Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Call to Commitment

What a powerful sermon this morning...A Call To Commitment.
  •  *Why are 100 million church members fail to make a moral or spiriitual impact on our world?
  • *Why are there more empty pews than full pews?
  • *If the Bible is God's Word, why do so many know so little about it?
"God's people most of them, have made a decision about Jesus...but have never made a commitment to Him” Charles Stanley
3 Clear Calls to Commitment
1.  Commitment to personal growth. We are called as disciples or learners.  We are never too old to learn.  Make a commitment to grow spiritually.
2.  Commitment to local church.
Commit to be responsible to the local church.  The church a major way God uses to accomplish His will.  We go to church to get our spiritual tank filled up to go back out and give. 
3.  Commitment to Ministry
Decide (prayerfully) on a church to attend, move in and serve.  Ministry is simply putting our God given gifts to work.
The greatest ability is availability

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