Friday, February 2, 2018

February is here!  It is a beautiful month where love abounds!  There are several activities planned at Antioch for February.  Watch for more details in the bulletin and calendar.

Baby Bottle Boomerang:
There are still baby bottles to take home, fill with change and return to help support our local Pregnancy Care Center.

Layered Bean Soup Mission Project:
We are creating layered bean jars which provide a visual representation of mission needs to pray for.
There will be a special meal and presentation on February 20. 

Titus 2 Day Trip:
All ladies are welcome to join for a day trip on February 13.  More details will be coming, but ladies interested are encouraged to save the date.

Children's Ministry Day:
Special plans are being made for our children to participate in a community mission project. Watch for more details.

Men's Fellowship:
On February 22 there will be a time of fellowship for our men.  

Ladies Fellowship:
Our ladies will meet for a time of fellowship and encouragement on February 27.

There are many activities going on, be encouraged to be involved! 

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