Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prepare For Revival Day 5

To be revived is a blessing which can only he enjoyed by those who have some degree of life. Those who have no spiritual life are not, and cannot be, in the strictest sense of the term subjects of a revival... A true revival is to be looked for in the Church of God - Charles Spurgeon

MOTIVES: (Matthew 10:28, Acts 5:29
a.  Am I more concerned with what God thinks about my life than what others think?
b.  Would I pray, read my Bible, give and serve as much if nobody but God ever noticed?
c.  Am I more concerned about pleasing God than I am about being accepted and appreciated by others?

MORAL PURITY:  Ephesians 5:3-4
a.  Do I keep my mind free from books, magazines or entertainment that could stimulate fantasizing or thoughts that are not morally pure?
b.  Are my conversations and behavior pure and above reproach?

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